Friday, January 3, 2014

An Unusual UPG

     So,  to take things way out of order here, I want to talk a little about a UPG of mine regarding FB's presence in a set of natural processes.  I really don't know what to make of this myself.  If anyone has any insight into this please let me know, because I find this knowledge utterly bizarre.

     Its come to my awareness that Frijjo Birkijoniz is somehow profoundly present in the process of transforming liquids into gels.  I don't really know how to describe this so I guess I'll just give some examples and then discuss them as best I can.

     I first had this gnosis with regard to yogurt of all things, but it seems to apply to many of dairy products, cheese, sour cream, butter (but perhaps only cultured butter?).
     So: (liquid) milk --> (gel) yogurt/cheese etc.

     (liquid) nectar --> (gel) honey

     This observation began to come together in my head (gelled, so to speak) during the discussion on soapmaking in the Polytheism Without Borders forum.  I will also note that FB seems to have a fondness for lye.  Lye breads are a well received offering.
     (liquid) fat/oil --> (gel) soap

    First of all, the raw materials in question in all of these processes are derived from living beings.  Additionally, the process by which they are gelled seems to be at least symbolically living.  I understand that, strictly speaking this is not true of soap, but having spent many hours watching a bubbling crock-pot of oil convert to soap, I am struck by the remarkable livingness of the whole affair.
     Second, each of these processes form the basis of an important traditional domestic industry.  There is dairy, apiculture and soapmaking.  To this I could add, extrapolating the symbolism out a little bit, the spinning of fiber into thread.  In this case you have another organic material in loose (symbolically liquid?) form being converted into a tighter (symbolically gelled?) form.  This might be a bit of a stretch, but given FB's established connection to spinning I think it makes some sense.  This extrapolation adds another traditional domestic industry to the list.
    The reason I believe this second observation is key is that I have been coming to understand more and more that FB is, in many ways, a goddess of civilization.  She is the instructor of proper spiritual custom in the form of siduz.  She upholds the traditions of family and tribe.  Perhaps it makes sense that she would be present in a process which underlies these industries of traditional culture.

     Just so I can answer two prompts at once, I'll reiterate my list of industries as a set of mundane activities connected to Frijjo Birkijoniz.


Haili thu Frijjo Birkijoniz.  Ek lubo thek.

1 comment:

  1. I feel Frigg's presence when I make and can jams and jellies.
